除臭剂vs. 商用空气清新剂:你需要哪种?


除臭剂vs. 商用空气清新剂:你需要哪种?

A pleasant fragrance can brighten any facility just as easily as an odor can darken matters. 然而, adding a nice aroma to a hotel lobby is different work than deodorizing room 216 from the non-potty-trained dog that stayed there last week. 大多数空间都会有气味, 即使是小问题, so how do you know whether you need a fragrance or full-on mal气味控制?

在State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute chemical solutions for various problems, 包括气味不一致和气味. When you’re looking for a product for your specific situation, it’s easy to get lost in potential solutions without ever actually finding the right solution.

为了帮助您确定您的设施的最佳解决方案, we’re going to explain when to use fragrancing as compared to 气味控制 and possible methods for each. After reading, you’ll know which method will best suit your facility.


An 气味控制 approach should be used in your facility whenever odors are present. 这可能意味着主要的气味, 就像垃圾室里的垃圾, 甚至是轻微的气味, 比如偶尔有人用微波炉时食物会有味道.

为了持续的异味, 气味控制更为紧迫, but you should also use some method of 气味控制 for inconsistent odors.

想想宠物店. 随着动物的不断来来往往, 会有粗面粉, 动物皮屑, 宠物垃圾四处漂浮, 而且这个地方的气味永远不会消失. The source is consistent, so the odors will continue building as long as the store is open.

现在,想想公共厕所. Depending on when it’s used, the odor can vary significantly. Sometimes, you might be dealing with an awful-smelling space. 其他时候,你可能甚至不会去想它. This is a case where odor elimination can benefit you just as much as the consistently odorous pet store.



For severe, constant odors, you’ll want a powerful and consistent solution. Your trash room isn’t going to stop smelling—nor is your fitness center, 你学校的食堂, 或者你的污水处理厂. 与一个 自动气味扩散器, you can achieve consistent odor elimination that works without any necessary intervention on your part.

自动气味扩散器通常安装在墙上, 位于平面上的, 或者连接到暖气上, 通风, 空调(HVAC)系统. They consistently diffuse a concentrated scent into a room, working to 既能消除空间的异味和香味.

If you’re in a situation with more infrequent odors or with odors rooted in a specific spot (e.g.(垃圾桶或沙发),你应该使用 臭斑处理. 用斑点处理, you can use a handheld product like a spray to eliminate odors from a particular area. So, 如果你大堂的家具闻起来有狐臭, use a fabric refresher to eliminate odors at the source and improve the scent of the whole room.

任何有有机物的地方都有气味, and odor elimination technology is effective for these regardless of how faint or strong their severity.


Fragrance should be added to your facility whenever you feel it’s warranted. You don’t need a reason for fragrance the way you do with odor elimination—如果你喜欢香水,那就用吧.

然而,了解你的受众是很重要的. If you’re running a hotel, event center, or hair salon, a fragrance is likely expected and welcome. 但如果你的设施是健身中心或医院, any fragrance more than subtle is jarring and even unpleasant.

选择适合你的场所的香水. 如果你是美发沙龙的老板, maybe you want a eucalyptus lavender scent to help guests relax—this is something calming that customers would likely expect.

与此同时, 如果你在管理医院的话, maybe you choose a soft linen scent for the waiting room—this is light enough to be almost undetectable, helping guests perceive the space as clean rather than as an olfactory nightmare.

气味是记忆的强大触发器, 所以当你在工作中使用它的时候, you enable yourself to forge positive connections in customers’ minds and establish your brand personality.

此外, 当气味轻微或不一致时, you can use a masking fragrance instead of an odor eliminator in many cases. 对于中度到重度的气味, this is ineffective since the fragrance will mask them rather than neutralize them at the source. 然而, 当你有轻微的气味时,这可能会很有效.


Depending on your situation, you have different options to fragrance your space.

为了你自己偶尔喷点香水, you can use a handheld air freshener or another ready-to-use product. 这样,你可以在你认为需要的时候添加香味. For locations like one-stall bathrooms or other small spaces, 这可以是理想的不浪费产品.

然而, you can use an automated scent diffuser for a more consistent fragrance solution. 它可以根据你的喜好设定香味, 保持你的设施始终保持新鲜.

记住这一点很重要 odor elimination and commercial fragrance are not mutually exclusive. Much of the time, they’ll be used together—especially in odor elimination.

然而, 如果你喜欢其中一个基于这些原因, look at your intended product’s label to confirm whether it’s an odor eliminator, 空气清新剂, 或两个. Usually, products that contain an odor-eliminating ingredient will claim it on the label.


在大多数情况下, the best solution is to use a product that eliminates odors while also adding a fragrance. 用这个, you can combine odor elimination with brand scenting to keep your facility clean-smelling and odor-free.

如前所述, there are some situations where you really don’t experience odors而纯香味是一个很好的解决方案. 同样的, there are situations where you don’t want to introduce a fragrance 他们更愿意专注于消除气味. In these instances, combining odor elimination with fragrance just doesn’t make sense.

But in most cases, you will have some odors, and you will benefit from using fragrance. 一种气味并不一定是极端的才需要控制, and a facility doesn’t have to be high-end to use fragrance as brand building. Use the right combination for you, and your facility will be better for it.


When you fall somewhere between a need for serious mal气味控制 and a desire for an aesthetic fragrance, 弄清楚什么适合你是很困难的. Now that you know how 气味控制 and fragrance can benefit facilities individually and together, learn about State Chemical 空气护理 agreements in the video below.